Monday, January 27, 2020
Project Assignment On Doubly And Circular Linked Lists Engineering Essay
Project Assignment On Doubly And Circular Linked Lists Engineering Essay As a computer engineer I would like to deal with this topic following a step by step approach. Before going into the details and the programs of doubly and circular linked lists we need to concentrate upon the meaning of the term linked list. The meaning of the terminology link list can further be dealed by dividing it into chunks .In a laymans term a link list is a logical collection of data stored in a systems memory in which every record that is the part of the given list has a pointer or link part that contains the address of the next record .This is how it works! Linked lists are used to organize data in specific desired logical orders, independent of the memory address each record is assigned to. Firstly, we would discuss linked lists in the terms of singly linked lists or what we call as SLLs .SLLs can be thought to be non-contiguous block of memory consisting of finite number of nodes with the address of the successor node stored in the link part of the preceding node. Each node has a DATA part and a LINK part. DATA PART STORES THE ACTUAL DATA ELEMENT WHILE THE LINK PART CONTAINS THE ADRESS OF THE NEXT NODE i.e. THE ONE JUST AFTER THAT NODE EXCEPT FOR THE LAST NODE THAT DOESNT POINT TO ANYTHING OR WE CAN SAY NULL. This is depicted in the following diagram:- But to beginners this may sound confusing that if one node stores the address of the next node then where is the address of the first node stored? However this question isnt a big deal .To counter this problem we allocate memory for a dummy node that will store the address of the first node .This head or the dummy node has only the link part (and not the data part).This node is always supposed to point to the first node of the list. OPERATIONS POSSIBLE WITH SLLs CREATE CREATING THE LIST FOR THE FIRST TIME. INSERT INSERTING AN ELEMENT TO THE EXISTING LIST. DELETE DELETING AN ELEMENT FROM THE EXISTING LIST. SEARCH SEARCHING AN ELEMENT FROM THE EXISTING LIST. REMEMBER: SLLs CAN BE TRAVERSED UNIDIRECTIONALLY ONLY i.e. ONLY IN FORWARD DIRECTION. Since this assignment deals with doubly and circular linked list the programs on SLLs wont be discussed in detail. Only program on creating a SLL is included :- THIS IS SIMPLE FUNCTION IN C++ DEPICTING HOW TO CREATE A SINGLY LINKED LIST STRUCT nodeT { INT data; nodeT* link; }; nodeT* BUILD() { nodeT *first=NULL,*new node; INT num; COUT CIN>>num; WHILE(num !=178) { New node =new nodeT; //create a node ASSERT (new node! =NULL); //program end if memory not allocated New node -> data =num; //stores the data in the new node New node ->link =first; //put new node at the start of list First= new node; //update the dummy pointer of the list Cin>>num ;}; //read the next number RETURN first;}// this program is also called building list from backwards ITS OUTPUT CAN BE SEEN AS IN BELOW BLOCK DIAGRAM C:Usersthe PANKESHAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE57OPVY3E3MCj01978470000[1].wmf As we have discussed earlier that linked lists are such data structures that contain linked nodes each containing a DATA part and a LINK part. But contrary to SLLs, in doubly linked lists each node has two link parts one to store the address of the succeeding node and the other for the preceding node. This makes doubly linked lists bidirectional i.e. they can be traversed in either direction, forward or backward. This is shown in the following diagram:- NODE 3 NODE 2 NODE 1 But there is a disadvantage to the use of doubly linked lists also, that is it requires more of memory space per node as two pointers will be needed but their advantage of sequential access in either direction make its manipulation quite easier which overcome its former shortcoming. C:Usersthe PANKESHAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE57OPVY3E3MPj04424300000[1].jpg OPERATIONS DONE ON DOUBLY LINKED LISTS ARE ALMOST THE SAME AS THAT ON SLLs BUT HAVE BEEN DISCUSSED IN DETAIL HERE Ã Ã
¸ DELETING A LIST MISCELLENEOUS: USE OF CONSTRUCTORS IN DOUBLY LINKED LISTS IF THE LINKED LIST IS MADE USING CLASSES INSTEAD OF STRUCTURES THEN DEFAULT CONSTRUCTORS CAN BE USED TO INITIALISE THE WHOLE LIST TO A PARTICULAR VALUE EG: IT SETS FIRST AND LAST TO NULL AND COUNT TO 0. SYNTAX: Template Doubly_linked_list::doubly_linked_list() { first=null; Last=null; Count=0; } ; FOLLOWING IS A C++ PROGRAM DEPICTING ALL THE OPERATIONS MENTIONED ABOVE THAT CAN BE PERFORMED USING DOUBLY LINKED LISTS #include // header files in c++ #include typedef struct doubly //self referential structure for making a linked list { int info; struct doubly*frwd; //frwd and back are the two pointers of the linked list struct doubly*back; } node; //node is a global object void create empty (node**frwd,node**back) //create empty is to set the pointers to null { *frwd=*back=NULL; } void add_at_end(node**frwd,node**back,int element) // add_at_end is to add a node in the end { node*ptr; ptr=new node; ptr->info=element; ptr->frwd=NULL; if(*frwd==NULL) { ptr->back=NULL; *frwd=ptr; *back=ptr; } else { ptr->back=*back; (*back)->frwd=ptr; *back=ptr; } } void add_at_beg(node**frwd,node**back,int item) // add_at_beg is to add a node in the start { node*ptr; ptr=new node; ptr->info=item; ptr->back=(node*)NULL; ptr->frwd=*frwd; if(*frwd==(node*)NULL; *back=ptr; *frwd=ptr; } void delete_at_beg(node**frwd,node**back) // delete_at_beg is to delete a node in the start } node*ptr; if(*frwd==(node*)NULL) return(); if((frwd))->frwd==(node*)NULL) { ptr=*frwd; *frwd=*back=(node*)NULL; delete(ptr): } else { ptr=*frwd *frwd=(*frwd->frwd;(*frwd)->back=(node*)NULL; delete(ptr); }} void delete_at_end(node**frwd,node**back)) // delete_at_beg is to delete a node in the end { node*ptr; if(*frwd==(node*)NULL) return; if((*frwd)->frwd==(node*)NULL) { ptr=*frwd; *frwd=*back=(node*)NULL delete (ptr); } else { ptr=*back; *back=ptr->back; (*back)->frwd=(node*)NULL; delete(ptr); }} void inordertrav(node*)NULL; // inordertrav is to traverse the list in the forward direction { while(frwd!=NULL) { printf(%d,frwd->info); frwd=frwd->frwd; } } void reverse ordertrav(node*back) // reverseordertrav is to traverse the list in the back direction { while(back!=node*)NULL) { coutinfo; back=back->back; } } node*search(node*frwd,int item) //search is to search a given element in the list { while(!=(node*)NULL frwd->info!=item) frwd=frwd->frwd; return frwd; } // insert-after-node is to insert a node at a specified position after the provided node void insert-after-node(node**frwd,node**frwd,int item,int after) { node*loc,*ptr; ptr=new node; ptr->info=item; loc=*frwd; loc=search(loc,after); if(loc==(node*)after) { cout return; } else if(loc->frwd==(node*)NULL) { ptr->frwd=(node*)NULL; ptr->frwd=ptr; *frwd=ptr; } else { ptr->frwd=loc->frwd; ptr->back=loc; (loc->frwd)->pre=ptr; loc->frwd=ptr; } } // insert-before-node is to insert a node at a specified position before the provided node void insert-before-node(node**frwd,int item,int before) { node*ptr,*loc; ptr=new node; ptr->info=item; loc=*frwd; loc=search(loc,before); if(loc==(node*)NULL { cout return; } else if(loc->back==(node*)NULL) { ptr->back=(node*)NULL: loc->back=ptr; ptr->frwd=*frwd; *frwd=ptr; } else { ptr->back=loc->back; ptr->frwd=loc; (loc->back)->frwd=ptr; loc->back=ptr; } } void delete-list(node**frwd**frwd) //delete-list is to destroy the created list { node*ptr; while(*frwd!=(node*)NULL) { ptr=*frwd; *frwd=(*frwd)->frwd; (*frwd)->back=(node*)NULL; delete(ptr); } * frwd=(node*)NULL; } void main() { node,*frwd,*frwd; int ch,element,after; create_empty(frwd,back); while(1) { cout cout cout cout cout cout cout cout cout cout cout cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: cout cin>>element; add_at_end(frwd,back,element); getch(); break; case 2: cout cin>>element; add_at_beg(frwd,back,element); break; case 3: in ordertrav(frwd); getch(); break; case 4: reverse-order-trav(back); getch(); break; case 5: cout cin>>after; cout cin>>element; insert-after-node(frwd,back,element,after); break; case 6: cout cin>>after; cout cin>>element; insert-before-node(frwd,element,after); break; case 7: delete-at-beg(frwd,back); break; case 8: delete-at-end(frwd,back); break; case 9: delete-list(frwd,back); break; case 10: exit(); } } } SOME INTERESTING FACTS :- One byte means 8 bits and a nibble means 4 bits. First hard disk available was of 5MB Ethernet is the registered trademark of Xerox. Google uses over 10000 network computers to crawl the web Google can be queried in 26 languages The floppy disk was patented by Allen sugar in 1946. More than 80% of web pages are in English. 88% percent web pages have very low traffic rate. An average American is dependent on 250 computers. Internet is most fastest growing platform for advertisement. About one third of CDs are pirated About 76% soft wares used in India are pirated. Only 10% of the WebPages are used by the search engines I feeling Lucky This button is used by negligible number of people on net. CONTINUED.. CIRCULAR LINKED LIST A circularly linked list is just like representing an array that are supposed to be naturally circular ,e.g. in this a pointer to any node serves as a handle to the whole list. With a circular list, a pointer to the last node gives easy access also to the first node ,by following one link. Using circular lists one has access to both ends of the list. A circular structure allows one to handle the structure by a single pointer, instead of two. Thus we see ,all nodes are linked in a continuous circle form without using any NULL pointer in the last node. Here the next node after the last node is the first node .Elements can be added to the back of the list and removed from the front in a constant period of time. We can classify circularly linked lists into two kinds- singly linked and doubly linked. Both types have advantage of its own .either of them has the ability to traverse the full list beginning at any given node. this helps us to avoid storing any FIRSTnode à à « LASTnode ,although if the list is empty there dwells a need of a special representation for the empty list, such as a LASTnode variable which points to some node in the list or is NULL if it is empty; we use such a LASTnode here. This representation simplifies adding and removing nodes with a non-empty list, but empty lists are then a special case. See following figure:- FOLLOWING PROGRAM DEPICTS THE USE OF DOUBLY LINKED CIRCULAR LIST #include #include class C_link //DEFINING A CLASS THAT { struct node //SELF REFERENTIAL STRUCTURE node { int data; node *frwd; node *back; }*new1,*head,*tail,*ptr,*temp; //GLOBAL OBJECTS REQUIRED FOR OPERATIONS public: C_link() { head=tail=NULL; } void CREATE(); //CREATE() ,INSERT(), DELETE(), DISPLAYING() are the various functions void INSERT(); //that we operate using circular linked lists void DELETE(); void DISPLAYING(); }; void C_link :: CREATE() //defining the CREATE() function to create a list { if(head==NULL) { new1=new node; new1->frwd=NULL; new1->back=NULL; cout cin>>new1->data; head=new1; tail=new1; head->frwd=tail; head->back=tail; tail->frwd=head; tail->back=head; } else cout } void C_link :: INSERT() //INSERT() function for inserting a new node {int i,pos; new1=new node; new1->frwd=NULL; new1->back=NULL; cout cin>>new1->data; cout cin>>pos; if(pos==1) {new1->frwd=head; head=new1; tail->back=head; tail->frwd=head; head->back=tail; } else { i=1; temp=head; while(i frwd!=tail) {i++; temp=temp->frwd; } if(temp->frwd==tail) { new1->frwd=tail->frwd; tail->frwd=new1; new1->back=tail; tail=new1; head->back=tail; } else { new1->frwd=temp->frwd; new1->back=temp; temp->frwd=new1; new1->frwd->back=new1; }}} void C_link:: DELETE() //DELETE() function for deleting a particular node { int pos,i; cout cin>>pos; if(pos==1 head!=tail) {ptr=head; head=head->frwd; head->back=tail; tail->frwd=head; delete ptr; } else { i=1; temp=head; while(i frwd!=tail) { i++; temp=temp->frwd; } if(temp->frwd!=tail) { ptr=temp->frwd; temp->frwd=ptr->frwd; ptr->frwd->back=ptr->back; delete ptr; } else { if(temp->frwd==tail head!=tail) { ptr=tail; tail=temp; tail->frwd=head; head->back=tail; delete ptr; } else { head=NULL; tail=NULL; delete head; delete tail; }}}} void C_link::DISPLAYING() // DISPLAYING() function is used to DISPLAYING the list in either direction {int ch; cout cout cout?; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: if(head!=NULL) { temp=head; while(temp!=tail) { coutdata temp=temp->frwd; } if(temp==tail) coutdata; } break; case 2 : if(tail!=NULL) { temp=tail; while(temp!=head) { coutdata temp=temp->back; } if(temp==head) coutdata; } break; }} main() { C_link c1; int ch; char op; do {cout cout cout ?; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1 : c1.CREATE(); break; case 2 : c1.INSERT(); break; case 3 : c1.DELETE(); break; case 4 : c1.DISPLAYING(); break; } cout ?; //while loop In case the user want to continue using cin>>op; //the functions that are declared formerly }while(op==y || op==Y); getch(); } OUTPUT: 1.on pressing F9 ass4.jpg 2.on pressing option 1 and entering 09173 now2.jpg Continuedà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ 3.pressing y and selecting option 2 ;entering 09175 ;storing at pos 2 now3.jpg 4.pressing y and selecting option 3 ;enter pos 1 now4.jpg 5.pressing y and selecting option 4 and then 1 ow6.jpg Note: Number is 09175 ~ 9175 CONCLUSION THIS ASSIGNMENT PURELY DESCRIBES HOW DOUBLY AND CIRCULAR LISTS CAN BE USED .WHERE DOUBLY USED TWO POITNTERS FOR THE SEQUENTIAL ACCESS OF THE NODES THE CIRCULAR LISTS MAY EITHER BE SINGLY LINKED OR DOUBLY LINKED DEPENDING UPON HOW IT SUITS OUR PURPOSE.THIS MAKES LINKED LIST AN IMPORTANT KIND OF DATA STRUCTURE.IT CAN BE USED TO IMPLEMENT BOTH STACKS AND QUEUES ALSO WHICH WE WILL STUDY ON LATER PART. THANKS.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Kings Speech Rhetorical Analysis
Addressing the Nation When any artist or director embarks on the journey of creation, they use a variety of different techniques to aid in the conveying of their message. Their main goal is to create something special for their audience, or rather call them witnesses. Convincing them that a personal piece of art, whether it be a painting, a novel or a movie, is different than all the rest. Rhetoricians create an authorââ¬â¢s idea, their own unique perception of reality, for a vast and diverse viewing audience. The Kings Speech is a movie about talking, and the importance of talking well.The way humans communicate is really the most important challenge we face in our everyday lives. Speaking is hugely important on an intimate, personal level; when the task is to interact with one person. But a leader of a nation has to address all of his subjects, which requires that leader to be able to speak eloquently in a dramatic political context. As Bertie so finely delivers his lines in the closing moments, as King George VI is about to first address his subjects with war on the horizon: ââ¬Å"The Nation believes that when I speak, I speak for them.But I cannot speak. â⬠This superb film is about a person finding his voice, finding that he can speak. The Duke of York, later King George V, a. k. a Bertie is a perfect example of a leader; he has it all except for one thing ââ¬â he lacks delivery skills. The hero has a single problem, the conflict that needs resolving; any intelligent viewer will keep their eyes on that detail through the entire plot. A well-written story will gradually reveal information, leaving the audience with a thirst to know if and how this issue will be solved.What makes the Kingââ¬â¢s battle with speech even more powerful is that this specific detail is not only about a speaking impediment that can be a burden to its owner but it is also about the drama in several other layers of the story. As the duke mentions, his people look up t o him as he who speaks for them and in their name. Not only can it be frustrating for a nation not to have a voice; that nation is in war with another nation whose ruler can ââ¬Å"say it rather wellâ⬠.Bertie is up against some large obstacles on his path to becoming King, and the stakes are high, the fate of an entire country lies in the words of its future leader, the King better be able to say those words clearly. This is far more than a movie about a King finding his voice. The Kings Speech is an exposition of the power that language has over individuals, and vast audiences. Rhetoric depends upon audience, and Bertieââ¬â¢s impediment was due as much to the pressure of his Imperial audience as it was his horrid father and family in how they treated him and his need for ââ¬Å"corrections. Our hero in this story has to overcome the painful memories that compose his troubled royal childhood. The Kingââ¬â¢s complex past appeals to the audienceââ¬â¢s sense of Pathos, so that every time he stammers over a sentence we remember who and what it is that causes Bertieââ¬â¢s handicap. Seeing the King start to succeed and triumph over his condition appeals to the viewerââ¬â¢s emotions for the same reason, because they have witnessed the cold, harsh environment where Bertie was raised. Audiences rejoice because seeing the main character master their own problems gives them hope and strength to take on personal matters of their own.Another aspect of the Kingââ¬â¢s troubled past is his relationship with his brother. He lived in the shadow of his brother Edward VIII for much of his life, and Edward was the actual heir to the throne when their father died. However, Edward abdicated the throne when he revealed that he wanted to marry an American socialite. This places further pressure on George VI to succeed in delivering this important speech to prove himself to his family and people as a strong and able leader. Being part of the Royal family means yo u have the best medical care that England has to offer at your disposal.Every doctor the Duke visited had a new treatment to test out, but nothing seemed to improve his speech impediment. One of the doctors instructed Bertie to chain smoke cigarettes, because the theory was that the smoke would ââ¬Å"relax his larynxâ⬠and calm his nerves. In this scene, the director uses dramatic irony and appeals to logos to toy with viewers, because an informed audience knows that this tactic will likely fail and in our modern time, we all know that cigarettes are hazardous to oneââ¬â¢s health.There are many other scenes where the King is seen smoking, and in every instance he had a specific look on his face. This is the look of a desperate man, full of frustration and expectation, praying that this little stick of tobacco will answer all his questions. The scene that follows shows one of many failed treatments by a specialist to cure him of his speech problem. The Duke becomes frustrate d during the treatment and asks his wife, Elizabeth, the Duchess of York (Helena Bonham Carter), to promise that he won't have to see any more doctors.This leads the Duchess of York to secretly visit an unorthodox speech therapist, Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush). Mr. Logue explains to the Duchess that although he is willing to help the Duke, he will only assist on his terms and they must come to him and follow his rules. The Duchess agrees, and sets an appointment. Mr. Logueââ¬â¢s favorite phrase is ââ¬Å"My castle, my rulesâ⬠, even though he is a commoner, not royalty; someone who is not enough ââ¬Å"regalâ⬠to actually own a castle. Yet this speech therapist knows exactly what he is saying.He too recognizes the importance of rules, a frame of reference and a place which is the proper place. If youââ¬â¢ll put him to the rhetoric test you will find he too has it all except for one thing ââ¬â apparently he is part of no ethos. He is a commoner, and eventually we f ind out he has no credentials; which is even worse than being an Australian in Britain. Logue lacks legitimacy, which he knows is not important for his ability to help others, but is a frustrating disposition if you take his rules seriously.The King looked past Logueââ¬â¢s lack of formal education and abrasive nature because I believe that he sensed something special about the doctor. Plus I believe the Duke and Logue shared a similar love of law and order, and the strict rules Lionel set allowed the Bertie to follow them with ease. These rules forced Bertie to trust the doctor completely, which establishes a strong bond of ethos between the two men. While the person in question happens to have been an English monarch, his trepidations and fears are no different from any public speaking student that Mr.Logue encountered over the years. So, Logue treats Bertie as though he were a regular, stuttering child and expects him to adhere to the same rules as everyone else. This is also a movie about education, as much as it is about politics and royalty. ââ¬Å"Turn the hesitations into pauses,â⬠Logue tells the King in one scene. ââ¬Å"Bounce into it. â⬠Rather than force his student into a mold, the teacher lets the student be the guide. He turns the awkwardness into something better; he re-defines the terms on which the Kingââ¬â¢s Speech was judged.Indeed, pauses can signify confidence; taking time to choose the right words to say gives the listener the impression that what you have to say is really important. This rhetorical device is also used by our very own President Obama, being the brilliant speaker that he is. The President is in a similar position of power, like King George, and when delivering a speech to millions of people it is best to take time and choose your words carefully so that your message is communicated correctly. The final speech is the defining factor in establishing King George VIââ¬â¢s credibility.In his previous speeche s, he had struggled with his impediment, but in this address to his country he speaks slowly, clearly, and confidently when his people needed him to do so the most. Ethos is also established in this speech because he is King, the ultimate authority figure; therefore, all people throughout the nation will be listening to his every word and reacting in a positive way. He directly calls on his people ââ¬Å"at home, and my people across the seas, who will make this cause their ownâ⬠. He is asking the people of Britain to take charge and become active participants in the difficult journey that is about to begin.The all-powerful phrase ââ¬Å"With Godââ¬â¢s help we shall prevailâ⬠is placed at the peak of the drama, the climax when the newly appointed King delivers his speech to all of England. This phrase appeals to pathos, evoking a sense of pride in his people, and reassuring them that England can and will win the war. It seems that every word in this movie was chosen, wh ether consciously or un-consciously, through a deep understanding of the rules of rhetoric because this phrase demonstrates superb decorum. Copywriters pray for the moment they will be able to come up with such a brilliant phrase.Not because it is full of tricks since there is no trick, but with the power to echo the utmost desires wanting to be solved through all the plots and sub-plots of the rhetoric event, presenting real desires in the real world from the deep back-story to the private and personal. This also meets a dramatic high point for England at that particular moment in time, the real events took place during WWII had yet to be unraveled, but watching the movie sixty or so years later, knowing how it turned out, and listening to the final lines in the Kingââ¬â¢s speech can still send icy shivers down oneââ¬â¢s spine.King George IV was able to deliver his speech perfectly through the help and support of his wife and new friend Lionel Logue, winning the hearts of Eng land and preparing them for the days to come. Rhetorically, The Kings Speech is a masterpiece; transporting audiences back to pre-war England and telling them an emotional tale of a King finding his voice.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Implementing the Duty of Care in Health and Social Care Essay
Act within own competence and not take on anything not believe we can safely do As a care worker, we owe a duty of care to the people we support, colleagues, employer and ourselves and the public interest. Every one have a duty of care that we cannot opt out of. Peoples we care support should be treated with respect, involved in decision making about their care and treatment and able influence how the service is run. People should receive safe and appropriate care that meets their needs and support their rights. A negligent act could be unintentional but careless or intentional that results in abuse or injury. A negligent act is breaching the duty of care. Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals Our duty of care means that we must aim to provide high quality care to the best of our ability and express if there are any reasons may be unable to do so. Professionals act within duty of care must do what a reasonable person, with their trainin g and background, can be expected to do so. It also connected with the areas of carrying and reviewing of risk assessments, which ensuring elimination of hazards, use of equipments and all health and safety guidelines. Policies and procedures sets clear boundaries in safe guarding in social care setting. The concept of safeguarding, whether it is children or vulnerable adults, is broader than protection. Safeguarding is also about keeping children or vulnerable adults safe from any sort of harm, such as illness, abuse or injury. This means all agencies and families working together and taking responsibility for the safety of children and vulnerable adults, whether it is by promoting health, preventing accidents or protecting children or vulnerable adults who have been abused. It is the staff responsibility in duty of care to safeguard individuals from harm. All employees should report any concerns of abuse they have. These might include evidence or suspicions of bad practice byà colleagues and managers, or abuse by another individual, another worker or an individualââ¬â¢s family or friends. Local authorities have Safeguarding policies and procedures that will be published on their websites or available from their Safeguarding team. Know how to respond to complaints Describe how to respond to complaints Complaint means ââ¬Å"an expression of dissatisfaction that requires a responseâ⬠. The procedure provides the opportunity to put things right for service users as well as improving services. Dealing with those who have made complaints provides an opportunity to re-establish a positive relationship with the complainant and to develop an understanding of their concerns and needs. Effective complaints handling is an important aspect of clinical and social care governance arrangements and, as such, will help organisations to continue to improve the quality of their services and safeguard high standards of care and treatment. Increased efforts should be made to promote a more positive culture of complaints handling by highlighting the added value of complaints within health and social care and making the process more acceptable/amenable to all. All complaints received should be treated with equal importance regardless of how they are submitted. Complainants should be encouraged to speak openly and freely about their concerns and should be reassured that whatever they may say will be treated with appropriate confidence and sensitivity. Complainants should be treated courteously and sympathetically and where possible involved in decisions about how their complaint is handled and considered. However received, the first responsibility of staff is to ensure that the service userââ¬â¢s immediate care needs are being met. This may require urgent action before any matters relating to the complaint are addressed. Where possible, all complaints should be recorded and discussed with the Complaints Manager in order to identify those that can be resolved immediately, those that will require a formal investigation or those that should be referred outside the HSC Complaints Procedure. Front-line staff will often find the information they gain from complaints useful in improving service quality. This is particularly so for complaints th at have been resolved ââ¬Å"on the spotâ⬠and have not progressed through the formal complaints process. Mechanisms for achieving this are best agreed at organisational level. Explain the mainà points of agreed procedures for handling complaints The Health and Social Care services recognises that most of our work is involved with supporting people to overcome and manage difficulties or situations in their lives. The aim is to consider all complaints as close to the point of contact as possible, and in many cases staff will be able to respond and resolve these at the time and place that the complaint is made. The Regulations on complaints identify ââ¬Ëif a complaint is made orally and resolution can be agreed with the client by the end of the next working dayââ¬â¢ it does not fall within the regulations and therefore it can be viewed as day-to-day business. Details of such representations managed within service areas should be forwarded to the Complaints Team, this information will assist in the overall departmental learning from complaints. The details of the complaint will also require to be screened to look at the significance of the complaint for the complainant and for the management and to indicate the manner in which it should be dealt with. Factors to be taken into account when screening are: The likelihood of re-occurrence. â⬠° The degree of risk for the individual. The degree of risk for the Department. The views of the complainant. Know how to address conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between an individualââ¬â¢s rights and the duty of care Describe potential conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individualââ¬â¢s rights The main area of conflicts or dilemma arises is related to the decision making associated to the choices by services to take risks. Some times individuals may want to do something which could be a risk to their health and safety. As a social care worker we have the duty of care to that person and we ensure to do all that we can to keep them safe. The conflict arises when we uplift the idea to respect the individuals rights and choices and promoting independence. In this scenario, we need to carry out a thorough risk assessment to ensure this particular activity is managed in a safest way. In order to minimise risks and promote welfare of the children and young people under care, it is important to report the areas of conflict toà the management, social se rvices and professional involved in an individuals care. Describe how to manage risks associated with conflicts or dilemmas between an individualââ¬â¢s rights and the duty of care In situations where there is a conflict of interest or a dilemma between an individualââ¬â¢s rights and duty of care, it is best practice to make sure the individual is aware of the consequences of their choice and that they have the mental capacity to understand the risks involved in their choice. It is their right as an individual to be able to make informed choices about their own lives even if we disagree with their choice. It is the right of every individual to make choices and take risks. It is the social care workerââ¬â¢s role to assist them in making those choices and reducing the risks without compromising their rights. An individual may be restricted if his or her behaviour presents a serious risk of harm to his or herself or to other people. People who receive care and support are considered to be at risk, and as such the law requires that an assessment be carried out to look at any possible risks there might be to the individual or to others. The aim of this assessment is not to remove the individualââ¬â¢s right to take risks, but to recognise and reduce them where possible to an acceptable and manageable level. Explain where to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemmas The first port of call if a social care worker is unsure about what to do and if they are exercising the duty of care is to their manager. They should be able to advise you about the best approaches to take. Also we can contact Regulator for advice about how to implement the Code of Practice. All of the Regulators produce guidance about how to implement the Code of Practice. These guidance documents can be very helpful in looking at the implications for day-to-day work. Members of a professional association or a trade union can co ntact them and they will also be able to offer advice about any uncertainties you have about whether you are exercising a duty of care towards the people you support effectively.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Medicine During the Civil War - 1813 Words
Medicine During the Civil War 1861-1865 When Walt Whitman wrote that he believed the real war would never get into the books, this is the side he was talking about (Belferman 1996). Yet, it is important that we remember and recall the medical side of the conflict too, as horrible and terrifying as it was (Adams 1952). Long before doctors and people knew anything about bacteria and what caused disease was the time of Civil War medicine. Doctors during the Civil War (always referred to as surgeons) were incredibly unprepared. Most surgeons had as little as two years of medical school because very few pursued further education. At that time, Harvard Medical School did not even own a single stethoscope or microscope until well after theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The hospital was normally located near the front lines (sometimes only a mile) and was identified with yellow flag with a green H. This process started in the Federal Army from 1862 and on. Many people have a mental picture of a Civil War surgeon being a heartless individual that was the cause of so many fatalities involving amputations and unclean operations. In reality, this is a false statement. The medical director of the Army of the Potomac, Dr. Jonathan Letterman, wrote this report after the battle of Antietam: The surgery of these battle-fields has been pronounced butchery. Gross misrepresentations of the conduct of medical officers have been made and scattered broadcast over the country, causing deep and heart-rending anxiety to those who had friends or relatives in the army, who might at any moment require the services of a surgeon. It is not to be supposed that there were no incompetent surgeons in the army. It is certainly true that there were; but these sweeping denunciations against a class of men who will favorably compare with the military surgeons of any country, because of the incompetency and short-comings of a few, are wrong, and do injustice to a body of men who have labored faithfully and well. It is easy to magnify an existing evil until it is beyond the bounds of truth. It is equally easy to pass by the good that has been done on the other side. Some medical officers lost their lives in theirShow MoreRelatedMedicine During The Civil War1548 Words à |à 7 PagesDuring the Civil War, medicine was an important aspect for every soldier due to the fact that many soldiers had to fight and ended up with injuries also there were many types of illnesses. In this essay, I will focus on the advance of medicine during the Civil War. Also how the soldiers and civilians were treated as well as how sanitize their location was, are questions I will try to answer. 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